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Piloting Church
1. What is Leadership?
Why Does Leadership Matter? (6:03)
What is Conscious Leadership? (21:51)
Focusing Your Foundation: What You Know, Sense and See (13:09)
The 15 Commitments
Seeing Leadership (17:11)
Crafting Your Vision Board
Congregational Impact Board
Think About It
2. What Kind of Pilot Will You Be?
Do You Have What it Takes?
Why Not You? (1:18)
The Pro vs The Amateur
So You're Scared...? (24:58)
What Kind of Pilot Will You Be?
3. The Fundamentals of Flight
The Dynamics of the Church Lifecycle (21:52)
Your Congregation's Heroic Journey (16:26)
Avoiding the "Drama Triangle" (7:53)
Your Personal Manifesto
Your Congregational Manifesto
Think About It
4. Your Flight Crew
Your Flight Crew
Why Your Team Matters
A Strong Team Starts with You
A Leader's Job is to be Clear
Recruiting Your Ace Team
Let Them Fly
Celebrate the Wins
The Trust Factor
Form Your Dream Team
Think About It
5. Funding Your Flying Habit
A Money Story (5:12)
Your Money Story
Why Start Here?
Emerging Funding Tools
Grant Writing Basics
Emerging Funding Models
Personal Money Motivation Assessment
Your Church's Money Story
Think About It
6. Managing Communication
Your Controls, My Controls
The Power of Aligned Communication
Setting the Tone
Would You Care to Make a Comment?
Talking to Your Wider Community
Marketing Best Practices
An Interview
What Good Communicators Do
7. Mayday Moments and Coming in For a Landing
Diana Butler Bass on Courageous Church
Gander Airport: A story of a mayday moment
Activity: Crowdsourcing a Roadmap
Trust and Adaptation
Why Your Team Matters
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