After splashing around in the deep end of online church, many congregations are beginning to safely gather in person. Only as we return from these online spaces to our in person gatherings, what will we take with us? What will we leave behind? How will we integrate what we have learned and experienced into the future of what it means to be the church? Or more practically, how exactly does this whole "hybrid church" thing work?

This is exactly what we will explore in "How to do Hybrid Church," an on demand course that will share tips, tricks, and best practices on what it means to be a hybrid church. You will learn from leading digital ministry experts to uncover your unique opportunities and challenges.

  • In session 1 we will learn about surfing, sand castles, and everything in between as we ask, "What is Hybrid Church"?
  • In session 2 we will pick up our surfboards and shovels as we learn what we need to be a Hybrid Church.
  • In session 3 we will examine the inevitable coastal erosion as we explore the future of Hybrid Church.

Course Facilitator

Rev. Jim Keat is the Digital Minister at The Riverside Church in New York City and the Director of Online Innovation for Convergence, a diverse collective of faith-based leaders, learners, artists, activists, learners, communities, and congregations. He is also a Digital Consultant to various progressive faith agencies and organizations. He is the producer of original media projects from The Riverside Church like Be Still and Go, The Word Made Fresh, and Church Talk as well as the creator of the Thirty Second Bible project and Thirty Seconds or Less.


Previously Jim served as the Associate Minister of Education at Middle Collegiate Church, a Product Designer at Sparkhouse/Augsburg Fortress, and the Middle School Program + Content Pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church. He received his M.Div. from Western Theological Seminary where he received The Faculty Award for Advocacy in Racial Ethnic Reconciliation and The President's Community Life Award.